CIREVALC at a glance

About the project

Nearly ten percent of all food produced for consumers goes to waste in Europe. Circular economy could help prevent much of that waste but businesses and regional planners often do not know how to introduce them. The project CIREVALC helps them to make regional value chains in the food, catering and packaging sectors more circular through a community approach. The partners jointly design and test a new accelerator tool that will facilitate the green transition of businesses and local communities.

Ladybird Farm Leisure Center
Ladybird Farm Leisure Center

One of our Hungarian pioneer, whose activities are already circular, is the Ladybird Farm Leisure Center – Wide range of activities, Decent accommodation, Food and beverages


One of our Hungarian pioneer, whose activities are already circular, is the Reggeli – food, coffee, drinks

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  • Low Awareness & Engagement
  • Non-Receptive Communities
  • Lack of Skills, Knowledge & Tools
  • Low Uptake of Solutions